Episode #51 Ayurveda: Traditional Wisdom with Amita Nathwani, MA (Ayur)

Body of Wonder Podcast Discover the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, a 5,000-year-old practice designed to restore balance and harmony within the body. In this episode, we are joined by Amita Nathwani, MA (Ayur) - an author, culinary expert, and Ayurvedic practitioner. Amita has dedicated her career to bridging traditional and contemporary medical systems.

Along with hosts, Drs. Andy Weil and Victoria Maizes, Amita introduces listeners to the core principles of Ayurveda. Discover how to eat in alignment with your individual constitution (dosha), detoxify through the powerful Panchakarma process, and use breathing practices to enhance overall well-being.

Tune in to learn how Ayurvedic practices can bring profound benefits to your modern lifestyle.

Please note, the show will not advise, diagnose, or treat medical conditions. Always seek the advice of your physician or healthcare provider for questions regarding your health.

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Andrew Weil, MD and Victoria Maizes, MD


Amita Nathwani , MA (Ayur)

Amita Nathwani is a practitioner of Ayurvedic Medicine. She has a clinical practice in both Tucson, AZ and Durango, CO and is an adjunct faculty member with the Dr. Andrew Weil Center for Integrative medicine and Faculty at the Phoenix Institute of Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture. She received her Ayurvedic education in both India and North America, which gives her unique perspective to remain true to the purity of Ayurvedic knowledge while deeply understanding its application in Integrative Medicine. Her specialty being Digestive disorders and Psychology, she begins with digestion and incorporates diet, lifestyle, herbal remedies and state of mind to gain a greater understanding of the whole person. Important to her practice is taking the psycho-spiritual approach in recognizing stress, grief, addictions, and relationships as factors affecting health.

Amita is a published author of "My Mother's Ayurvedic Kitchen" and "Peak and Valleys" books about Food and Spirituality. Amita has also just published a book called "Ayurveda: Breaking the Rules Without Breaking the Principles", which is now available.


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