Episode #35 The Power of Language in Healing with Steve Bierman, MD

Body of Wonder Podcast
Would you consider communication a key factor in the healing process? According to our guest, words matter, and language can reach beyond the conscious mind to activate the body’s healing response.

Emergency medicine physician, Dr. Steve Bierman joins Dr. Andrew Weil and Dr. Victoria Maizes to discuss how language, and the power of suggestion can serve as positive or negative influences on our health.

Dr. Bierman challenges caregivers to choose words wisely and harness the power of communication when treating patients.
Using examples from his practice, Bierman demonstrates how carefully chosen language can ease pain and yield lasting health outcomes.
His approach blends humanism, hypnosis, and neurolinguistics with conventional medicine.

In this conversation, Drs. Weil, Maizes, and Bierman discuss hypnosis, the placebo effect, proper informed consent, patients’ belief systems, and why communication should be taught in medical schools.

Please note, the show will not advise, diagnose, or treat medical conditions. Always seek the advice of your physician or healthcare provider for questions regarding your health.

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Andrew Weil, MD and Victoria Maizes, MD


Steve Bierman , MD

Steve Bierman, MD is a Family & Emergency Physician and Director of the Noetic Medicine Initiative at AWCIM. Dr. Bierman has pioneered noetic (i.e. mind/body) techniques designed to influence more healthful outcomes for patients during all phases of the healthcare encounter: including, greetings and good-byes, delivering dire diagnoses, informed consent, pre-surgical preparation... and much more. His award-winning book, HEALING - Beyond Pills & Potions is considered the seminal work in the exciting new discipline of Noetic Medicine.

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