Episode #21 Ethnobotany: The Science of Indigenous Medicine with Michael Balick, PhD

Body of Wonder Podcast

Plants have provided human beings with nourishment, medicine, fibers, and other resources for millennia. And, the passing of botanical knowledge through generations not only ensured survival, it shaped how cultures understood their world. Occasionally, this knowledge would be exchanged with neighboring people in the forms of stories, rituals, and daily practices.

In the 1800’s Western anthropologists studying indigenous cultures began to categorize this relationship between plants and people as a new science called, ethnobotany, “ethno” meaning people and “botany” meaning plants.

Over the last 200 years the field has evolved to include ethnomedicine and most recently it’s application in modern pharmaceuticals.

But, how is it that centuries ago societies without modern laboratory equipment learned how to use botanicals with such precise applications and outcomes?

To understand this, we welcome Dr. Michael Balick, ethnobotanist, and Vice President and Director of the Institute of Economic Botany at the New York Botanical Gardens. For more than four decades, Dr. Balick has studied the relationship between plants and people. Most of his research is in remote regions of the tropics, like Micronesia, on the islands of Pohnpei, Kosrae, Palau and Melanesia, in the Republic of Vanuatu where he works with indigenous cultures to document plant diversity, knowledge of its traditional use and evaluation of the potential of botanical resources, particularly medicinal plants, for broader application and use.

Dr. Weil, Dr. Maizes, and Dr. Balick discuss why it's so important to understand ethnobotany in modern society, the benefits of “whole-plant” traditional medicines, and how ethnobotanists are working with indigenous elders to preserve cultural practices and ancient knowledge.

Please note, the show will not advise, diagnose, or treat medical conditions. Always seek the advice of your physician or healthcare provider for questions regarding your health.

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Andrew Weil, MD and Victoria Maizes, MD


Michael Balick , PhD

Dr. Michael J. Balick joined the staff of the New York Botanical Garden in September 1980, and is Senior Curator and Vice President and Director, Center for Plants, People and Culture. He is internationally recognized as a leader in the field of ethnobotany, the study of the relationship between plants, people and culture. Most of his research is in remote regions of the tropics, where he works with Indigenous cultures to document plant diversity, knowledge of its traditional utilization and evaluation of the potential of botanical resources for broader application and use. He works closely with health care professionals to evaluate and introduce medicinal plants that he and his group have collected, introducing these species into more widespread use, including as new pharmaceutical candidates. His past research sites have included the Amazon Valley, Central and South America, The Middle East and Southeast Asia. His most recent scientific research focuses on the tropical Pacific Islands in Micronesia and Melanesia where he is documenting the diversity, local use and management of plant resources in this poorly known but biologically important area of the world in support of an ambitious region-wide plan for marine and terrestrial conservation. A prolific writer, teacher and public speaker, Dr. Balick has authored over 175 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals, and authored or edited 31 scientific and general interest books. Recent books include Rodale?s 21st Century Herbal: A Practical Guide for Healthy Living Using Nature?s Most Powerful Plants, Messages from the Gods: A Guide to the Useful Plants of Belize (with Rosita Arvigo) and Palau Primary Health Care Manual: Health Care in Palau, Combining Conventional Treatments and Traditional Uses of Plants for Health and Healing (with Stephen Dahmer and various coauthors). His 2020 book, Handbook of Poisonous and Injurious Plants, 3rd Edition (with Lewis S. Nelson, MD), is the standard reference for Emergency Department physicians addressing cases of suspected plant poisonings and that same year he published the two volume Ethnobotany of Palau: Plants, People and Island Cultures (with Ann Hillman Kitalong) and the college textbook, Plants, People and Culture: The Science of Ethnobotany (with Paul Alan Cox). In addition to his academic research, he has served on a variety of Scientific Advisory Boards for the dietary supplement, pharmaceutical and personal care industries well as a member of advisory panels for the National Institutes of Health/National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. Since 1999, he has served on the Board of Trustees of the American Botanical Council, the premier organization providing education using science-based and traditional information to promote responsible use of herbal medicine?serving the public, researchers, educators, healthcare professionals, industry and media. Dr. Balick has been the recipient of numerous awards and honors in recognition of his accomplishments, including the David Fairchild Medal for Plant Exploration; The H. Marc Cathey Award from the American Horticultural Society; the Rachel Carson Award of the Natural Products Association; the prestigious John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Writing Fellowship: the International Scientific Cooperation Award of The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS); as well as honorary MD and Ph.D. degrees. He received his B.Sc. from the University of Delaware and his A.M, and Ph.D. from Harvard University, where he also attended the Harvard Graduate School of Business. He holds adjunct teaching and research positions at Columbia University, City University of New York, Fordham University, The University of Arizona Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine, as well as the National Tropical Botanical Garden in Hawai?i.

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