Episode #14 Medical Cannabis with Dr. Ethan Russo

Body of Wonder Podcast

Cannabis research has caught the attention of medical providers and patients for its many potential health benefits.

For decades cannabis has been categorized as a Schedule 1 drug, which is defined as a drug with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. And while 33 states have approved its medical use, it continues to be federally prohibited.

Cannabis contains more than 100 active compounds that react with cannabinoid receptors in our nervous systems.

In spite of prohibitive policies, medical researchers around the world have managed to conduct studies. Research reveals a growing body of evidence of the therapeutic potentials. From tempering chronic pain to reducing anxiety, cannabis holds potential for use.

Today we speak with, Dr. Ethan Russo, a neurologist and psychopharmacology researcher. Dr. Russo has spent decades researching exactly how cannabis impacts the human body covering well-known compounds such as THC or CDB, as well as other powerful compounds, like CBG and CBA.

Dr. Weil discusses the complicated history of cannabis in U.S culture and suggests explanations for why it has not widely been accepted as medicine. Dr. Russo addresses the concern over long term cognition problems. Dr. Maizes raises the important question, is it possible to achieve the health benefits of cannabis and not experience the psychoactive effects or “high”. With legal access to cannabis on the rise, we discuss the future medical applications of this substance.

Please note, the show will not advise, diagnose, or treat medical conditions. Always seek the advice of your physician or healthcare provider for questions regarding your health.

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Andrew Weil, MD and Victoria Maizes, MD


Ethan Russo

Ethan Russo, MD, is a board-certified neurologist, psychopharmacology researcher, and Director of Research and Development of the International Cannabis and Cannabinoids Institute (ICCI).

Previously, from 2015-2017, he was Medical Director of PHYTECS, a biotechnology company researching and developing innovative approaches targeting the human endocannabinoid system (ECS). From 2003-2014, he served as Senior Medical Advisor, medical monitor and study physician to GW Pharmaceuticals for numerous Phase I-III clinical trials of Sativex® for alleviation of cancer pain unresponsive to optimized opioid treatment and initial studies of Epidiolex® for intractable epilepsy.

He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania (Psychology), and the University of Massachusetts Medical School, before residencies in Pediatrics in Phoenix, Arizona and in Child and Adult Neurology at the University of Washington in Seattle. He was a clinical neurologist in Missoula, Montana for 20 years.

He has held faculty appointments in Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Montana, in Medicine at the University of Washington, and as visiting professor, Harvard University, Johns Hopkins University, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

He is a former president of the International Cannabinoid Research Society and former Chairman of the International Association for Cannabinoid Medicines. He serves on the Scientific Advisory Board for the American Botanical Council. He is author/editor of seven books on cannabis and medicinal herbs, and has also published numerous book chapters, and over fifty articles in neurology, pain management, cannabis, and ethnobotany. He has consulted or lectured on these topics in 38 states and Canadian provinces and 34 countries.



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